Pin Tracker"/>>

Friday, June 17, 2011

Music Jam 2011 Special Dances!

Non-member special dances:
Put on the Music Jam Cap (Located at the Cove).
Press the Dance button.
You will start doing a Hip-Hop dance.

Member special dances:
Put on the Music Jam Cap from the Cove, and the Green Music Jam T-shirt from Backstage.
Press the Dance button.
You will start doing the Robot.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Puffle Improvement Update

Hello Penguins! Some of you may have already noticed that the team updated a few things for puffles recently. In case you missed it, here are a few things they updated last week:
New ways to play with your pet... You can now poke, pet or even tickle your puffles!
New puffle mats in the Pet Shop. Now the carpet in the middle of the room looks different depending on which puffle is walking with you!
Puffle close-ups load faster
Small interface improvements in puffle close-ups


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sneak Peek: What’s New in June!

Hello Penguins!
The team is putting the finishing touches on some new stuff for June! Here’s a sneak peek at some things they’ve been working on:Plus here are some dates to remember:
June 9: New igloo item catalog
June 16: Music Jam = party time!June 23: New member ninja items at the Ninja Hideoutand more…BTW thx to for the picture!
~Hotwheels518~~Waddle On~

Friday, June 3, 2011

New Club Penguin Red Guitar Pin!

1:Waddle over to the Hidden Lake.

2:Click it.